Sweatshops: Now

Today, most of the people reading this are happy, have either a well paying job or are in school, well fed, and are only bothered by day-to-day troubles. However they do not realize that there are hundreds, even thousands, of people in other countries that are forced to work long and hard hours, in unsafe conditions for wages that can barely buy enough food to feed themselves, not to mention the rest of their family. Hopefully the following paragraphs and images will open some eyes to the horrid things that are happening in other parts of the world.

Modern day sweatshops are supported by companies like The Gap, Liz Claiborne, Kathie Lee Gifford, Nike, and Wal-Mart. These companies pay their workers very little, usually ranging from thirteen cents to two dollars and hour. The workers work for long hours, sometimes fifteen hour days, for the same reason sweatshop workers did years ago, because they needed the money and the only way to get more was to work longer. The workers do not speak out because they are frightened by being fired or harshly beaten. Although some companies, such as Nike,  do give the workers health insurance many do not and the conditions under which they work are harsh and usually dangerous. Just like it was during the 1800’s, children are working in sweatshops as well. This hurts the country because it prevents the children from obtaining a proper education and in turn, their hope for a successful future. All of this causes much trouble and damage to their country and it is also horrible for these actions to be happening to humans today.

The reason many of these sweatshops are there is because there are many problems in that country. Corrupt or just ignorant governments is a major supporting cause of sweatshops. Also many of the countries that have sweatshops are becoming populated densely, and this makes jobs scarce, so the people will be willing to accept such terrible jobs.

The government does try to help with these issues but much of the support comes from either non-profit groups or other civil rights organizations. The U.S. government has proposed some legislature to help stop the use of overseas sweatshops. The greatest effect on these companies has been the people. They will often boycott sweatshop made products and insist on reform. This forces the companies to make some sort of improvement so that their customers will keep buying their products. Also their have been many lawsuits aimed at these companies, and these have severely hurt them.

Wrapping this all up I propose a solution click here —->

Where I got my info


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